Race 3 (2018)

Race 3 (2018)

Hilarious Wedding Shots You Won’t See In Any Album


34 Pictures That Prove The World Isn’t Such A Bad Place

1. Someone leaving the other customers some extra gift.


37 Reasons Miami Is The Best (And Weirdest) City In The U.S

1. It’s familiar to ride your bike in a crowded intersection with just your bathing suit on.


Most Dangerous Roads in the World

1 Trans-Siberian Highway, Russia


Along with the Trans Canada Highway and Australia’s Highway 1, the Trans-Siberian Highway is one of the longest in the world. In order to get from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg it crosses foroadsts, mountains, deserts, and everything in between. Much of it is unpaved and certainly not ideal for a casual Sunday drive.


The 15 Weirdest Houses Ever Seen

@@@ Everingham Rotating @@@
@@@ Taree, Australia @@@
The Everingham Rotating House is located roughly 40 kilometers from Wingham NSW, in the hinterland of the Manning Valley on the Nowendoc River, including pristine rapids and deep water with mountains rising directly above the river. This house can revolve 360 degrees with the help of just… a few buttons. You may ask, why would someone want to have such a home? Initially, you can acclimatize it to the weather and turn it so that a confident side faces the sun, for illustration. Secondly, why not have a house that can revolve 360 degrees in just 30 minutes at its top speed?!